Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: Early Reaction to Supreme Court Decision on the ACA

56% of Americans now say they would like to see the law’s detractors stop their efforts to block its implementation and move on to other national problems.

PPACA Ruling Answers Some Questions, Leaves Others Hanging

The Supreme Court’s ruling on the health care reform law clears the air a bit but still leaves lots of questions lingering for employers.

PPACA Ruling Answers Some Questions, Leaves Others Hanging

The Supreme Court’s ruling on the health care reform law clears the air a bit but still leaves lots of questions lingering for employers.

When You Eat Matters

Evidence is quickly mounting that when you eat and the timing of your meals may be as important as what and how much you eat.


Employers question how to handle the MLR checks. Common questions answered regarding Medical Loss Ratio checks.

Learn How Inflammation Can Lead to Chronic Diseases

Inflammation is now widely recognized as a primary driver for most all chronic diseases.

MLR Rebate Questions and Answers

Find out what you need to know regarding the medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates stemming from the health care reform law.

Fast Food and Cancer..Did You Know?

Limiting calorically dense food, especially fast foods and sugary beverages, was one of the most important steps an individual could take to reduce cancer risk.

Some PPACA Compliance Tabled Until After Elections

Employers should stay on track in their efforts to comply with PPACA

August Webinar: Leaves of Absence

Learn how to properly handle employee leaves of absence and avoid possible compliance pitfalls.