FAQs About Cobra Premium Assistance Under The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 | IL Employee Benefits Consultants

April 07, 2021 Set out below are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding implementation of certain provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP), as it applies to the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, commonly called COBRA. These FAQs have been prepared by the Department of Labor (DOL). Like previously issued FAQs … Continued

Top Strategies of Relationship Marketing | Chicago Employee Benefits Agency

As a business, you are constantly managing your sales funnel–from the first point of contact with a prospect to their purchase of your service.  But it doesn’t (and shouldn’t) stop there. Perhaps the most important part of your sales funnel is the follow-up post-sale. It’s in this time of follow-up that you build the ongoing … Continued

Exploring Mental Health Benefits | IL Employee Benefits Group

The overall well-being of an employee has never been more of a priority for employers as it is right now. From health care to vision care to mental health care, the entirety of the employee’s health is important to the health of the organization. Importance of Mental Health Benefits Mental health and the cost of … Continued

Live Well, Work Well | Chicago Employee Benefits

Celebrate World No Tobacco Day by Learning About Smoking Cessation According to the American Lung Association, smoking kills over 480,000 people every year. Few people would disagree that smoking is hazardous to their health, yet millions continue to take part in this unhealthy habit. The most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and … Continued