IRS Requests Input on the Cadillac Tax | Illinois Benefits Broker

By Linda Rowings, Chief Compliance Officer at United Benefit Advisors Beginning in 2018, plans that provide coverage that exceeds a threshold will owe an excise tax that is frequently referred to as the “Cadillac tax.” The threshold generally will be $10,200 for single benefits and $27,500 for benefits provided to an employee, retiree, or member … Continued

Think 2014 tax forms are bad? Here come the 1094 and 1095 for 2015! | Chicago Benefits Broker

By Bill Olson, Chief Marketing Officer at United Benefit Advisors Our recent blog reviewed the highlights of the new employer and insurer reporting requirements. UBA has created this quick reference chart to help you sort out who should use which form, and when: For comprehensive information on coverage requirements, due dates, special circumstances, controlled groups … Continued

Wellness Programs Feeling the Heat as the EEOC Increases Its Efforts – Part 2, Federal Regulations | IL Employee Benefits

As mentioned in the first posting, wellness programs must be analyzed under a myriad of laws and regulations. This post will discuss generally the wellness program landscape in light of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)/Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA), the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA), the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act … Continued

2015 Cost-of-Living Adjustments | Chicago Benefits Broker

By Linda Rowings Many employee benefit limits are automatically adjusted each year for inflation (this is often referred to as an “indexed” limit). The Internal Revenue Service and the Social Security Administration have released a number of indexed figures for 2015. Limits of particular interest to employers include the following. For health and Section 125 … Continued

2015 Federal Poverty Guidelines | Illinois Benefits Broker

By Linda Rowings Chief Compliance Officer at United Benefit Advisors The federal poverty level guidelines (FPL) are used for many purposes, including assessing eligibility for a premium tax credit for coverage purchased through the health Marketplace. Premium tax credits are available to individuals who have household income of 100% to 400% of FPL in states … Continued

Thresholds Organization Poker Tournament | Byrne, Byrne & Company

Established in 1959, Thresholds provides healthcare, housing, and hope for thousands of persons with mental illnesses in Illinois each year. Through care, employment, advocacy, and housing, Thresholds assists and inspires people with mental illnesses to reclaim their lives. Thresholds is one of the oldest and largest providers of recovery services for persons with mental illnesses … Continued

Will Health Insurance Soon Become Health Memberships? | Illinois Employee Benefits

By Elizabeth Kay, Compliance & Retention Analyst AEIS Advisors With the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), we saw a number of hospitals and provider groups being bought and merged with larger provider groups. This was done for two reasons. One, in part to make sure that they were able to … Continued

Dental Schools in Chicago That Treat Patients | Byrne, Byrne & Company

By Andrea Ruiz The costs for seeking adequate and comprehensive dental care can be prohibitive, particularly for the uninsured. Fortunately, patients in Chicago who are in need of care, whether long-term or urgent, can get the quality services they need without paying the high costs by going through the local dental college. Dental colleges offer … Continued

IRS Provides 2015 Mileage Rates and Guidance on Retroactive Transit Benefit Increase | Chicago Benefits Broker

By Bill Olson On December 10, 2014 the IRS released the optional standard mileage rates for 2015. Beginning on January 1, 2015, the standard rates for the use of a car, van, pickup or panel truck are: 57.5 cents per mile for business miles, up from 56 cents in 2014 23 cents per mile for … Continued

Top 5 Questions About The “Cadillac” Tax | Chicago Employee Benefits

By Linda Rowings The excise tax on high cost plans (also referred to as the Cadillac tax and the 4980I tax) is scheduled to take effect in 2018. To date, regulations have not been issued, so many of the details about how the tax will operate are unclear. (The regulatory agencies are responsible for interpreting … Continued