Employee Benefits Benchmarking and Health Care Reform

When it comes to managing employee benefits in the era of health care reform, it’s easy to want to take a “head-in-the-sand” approach but the clock is ticking and soon everyone will be forced to comply with the all of the PPACA regulations. Emplo…

Leadership and Effective Teams

Peter Freska, CEBS
Benefits Advisor
The LBL Group, A UBA Partner Firm

There are companies that seem to “get it.”  GE for example (positively) has been called “a CEO factory,” and with names like Edison, Coffin, Cordiner, Borch, Jones – to Jack Welch and now Jeff Immelt, GE has produced what many may consider great CEOs for more than 100 years.  In fact, Charles Coffin – the man who succeeded Thomas Edison – was called “the greatest CEO of all time” by Fortune Magazine.  But as leaders know, building the right team can be difficult. describe the image

When asked “Can you give me an example of a team?”, many spout out – The Lakers or the Celtics, or some other professional or college sports team.  But are these really effective teams?  In his book “Leading Teams” (HBS, 2002), J. Richard Hackman outlined five conditions that enable team effectiveness.  By putting these conditions in place leaders can make their teams more effective as a unit. 

A Real Team

  • Works collectively on a task

  • Has clear boundaries to membership

  • Has the authority to execute, monitor and manage, designs the work, and sets the direction

  • Has stability of the members over tim

A Compelling Direction

  • Is challenging to energize and enhance motivation

  • Is clear to orient and align performance strategy

  • Is consequential to engage and foster full utilization of knowledge and skill

An Enabling Structure

  • Consists of team composition that should be small and diverse

  • Has design of work that should utilize a variety of skills

  • Has norms of conduct that should be placed to shape behavior

A Supportive Context

  • The organization should allow members to identify and easily access information and education

  • Has an appropriately structured reward system to complement the team structure

Expert Coaching

  • Needs to be available and the focus of the team leader’s activities.

Leaders of organizations large and small are getting pulled in many different directions.  It is easy to see how a leader can focus on shareholder returns or profitability instead of what really matters – the people.  So, what is your Total Human Capital Strategy?  Are you developing great leaders in your organization that know how to build effective teams?  Or is your organization still more worried about profitability than the people?  As you look forward into the coming years, consider companies like Southwest Airlines and Whole Foods, which make statements about treating their employee right (and that leads to treating the customer right).  It seems that the old saying “…90 percent of your assets walk out the door each day.  What are you doing to bring them back the next day?” still rings true – perhaps today more than ever.  Employers currently have a slew of regulatory and compliance issues, and the list keeps on growing.  To manage this onslaught, make sure you are investing in the right assets internally and externally to ensure that your business survives and thrives for many years to come.  As Jack Welch has said…his most important job, the one that he devotes more time than anything else, is to motivating and assessing GE’s employees.

Smart Employee Benefit Strategies Used by 10 Best Companies

“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” – Charles Caleb Colton
When it comes to managing employee benefits, modeling your health plan design after companies that do it well is not only a form of flattery, but crucial in ensuring optimum h…

Blank Check

Holly Parsons
The Wilson Agency, A UBA Partner Firmskd283434sdc

The more employers I talk with, the more I hear the challenge of finding the right balance between encouraging and supporting employees to make healthy lifestyle choices and getting too much into “their business.” This dilemma is understandable. Even the most well-intentioned individuals can overstep boundaries and cause feelings to be hurt, or even worse, privacy to be violated.

However, I can’t think of any organization that would give employees carte blanche opportunity to spend any amount of money they want on products or services for the business and still expect to stay in business. Yet, that’s what employers do when they provide a product, a.k.a. insurance, for their staff and fail to stress the importance of good stewardship in how that product is “spent.” It’s akin to letting employees purchase unlimited printers because the ink runs out.

If the insurance you provide for your employees has become so expensive that you have had to minimize the benefits (ie: higher deductibles) or shift the cost to the employees, effectively lowering their compensation, then it’s time to start figuring out a way to get involved in “their business” because now, it is your business.

Distractology 101: A Quick Course in Deadly Driving Distractions and What to Do about Them

The battle against driving distractions is being fought in state houses, on highways, and in corporate offices, where employee driving policies are being revised to help stem the surge of distracted driving accidents on the job.


Important: these highlights describe the rules based on the actual law and proposed regulations. Most likely, therefore, the rules will take effect largely as described here, but some of the details may change.

401(k) participants don't try to understand disclosures

One in five people said they rarely or never read disclosures that are sent to them.

401(k) participants don’t try to understand disclosures

One in five people said they rarely or never read disclosures that are sent to them.

Employers Stressing Health Incentives for Employees

U.S. employers are increasingly utilizing monetary and other incentives to encourage employees and their families to become active in health and fitness programs

Employers Lack Social Technology Education

75 percent of respondents fail to measure the return on investment regarding their social technologies.