More than 80% of employers look to adviser for PPACA education

Employers continue to look to their adviser to guide them through health care reform uncertainty. In fact, 88% expect their adviser to educate them on health care reform and its implications, according to a recent survey.

Sleep Deprivation Has Same Impact as Binge Drinking

More than one million UK workers are ‘sleep drunk’ due to a lack of shut eye, new data of nearly 39,000 employed people from Vielife has shown.

Health Insurers Move Ahead, With or without Individual Mandate

For the health policy world, the Supreme Court’s tough questioning of the individual mandate last week was a seismic event.

Health Insurers Move Ahead, With Or Without Individual Mandate

For the health policy world, the Supreme Court’s tough questioning of the individual mandate was a seismic event.

PPACA Ruling May Have Limited Effect on Employers' Plans

The Supreme Court finished hearing oral arguments on the health care reform law in March. Now, employers — along with patients and political pundits — can do little except wait….

PPACA Ruling May Have Limited Effect on Employers’ Plans

The Supreme Court finished hearing oral arguments on the health care reform law in March. Now, employers — along with patients and political pundits — can do little except wait….

FSAs Require Careful Compliance Care

Starting Jan 1, 2013, the law will require plan sponsors to limit pre-tax FSA contributions per employee to no more than $2,500 per calendar year. Prior to PPACA, the accounts had no annual limits, according to the law firm Porter Wright in a recent online post…

Hotter Economy Can Spark Retention Challenges

The Department of Labor reported that the nation added 120,000 jobs in March, down from the previous three months that saw 200,000 or more new jobs. Still, the stock market is…

Agencies Post New FAQ’s

The Labor, Health and Human Services and Treasury departments have released a new set of frequently asked questions on rules stemming from PPACA.

Agencies Post New FAQ's

The Labor, Health and Human Services and Treasury departments have released a new set of frequently asked questions on rules stemming from PPACA.