5 Tips for Building Trust When Employees Return to Work | Illinois Employee Benefits Consultants

The day where people return to normal routines around work doesn’t seem as far off today as it did just a few weeks ago. As politicians itching to “re-open” the world look at ways to revive normalcy, companies now have to do the same as they consider operational needs and employee safety. As the work … Continued

CBD: Fact or Fiction? | Chicago Benefits Team

The cannabidiol (CBD) market in the United States has taken off like a rocket. Some projections have this market reaching $16 billion by 2025. After years of singing its praises for treating, albeit illegally, a myriad of health issues, supporters of cannabis have seen an uptick of mainstream support in the last 2 years with … Continued

A Financial Lifeline You May Have Forgotten About | IL Employee Benefits Agents

So much has happened in the last few days and weeks that I feel like months have passed. Social distancing is now on everyone’s lips. And the goal is noble: flatten “the curve” and prevent more people from getting sick from the Coronavirus. The impact, though, is being felt in so many ways by so … Continued

How To Support Your Employees During A Global Pandemic | Chicago Employee Benefits Team

As companies frantically try to adapt to the coronavirus pandemic, many HR teams find themselves with an alarmingly jam-packed workload. Employee interviews need to be postponed, telework policies implemented or adjusted, health and wellness protocols changed. And when everyone is in crisis mode, it’s easy to let a simple, but crucial, aspect of the job … Continued

Stop – Stay Home – Start Something | Illinois Benefits Advisors

We are seeing so many changes to our work, personal, and social life due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While these changes can seem daunting and the obstacles they create insurmountable, this can be a time of healthy change. There is always the chance for good to happen when you stop, stay home, and start something. … Continued

8 Creative Ways to Move More When You’re Stuck at Home | Chicago Benefits Agency

The latest coronavirus, COVID-19, continues to be a major source of concern. Sports teams have cancelled seasons, companies are urging employees to work from home and social distancing is in full swing — all of which has anxiety at an all-time high. One way to help calm your nerves: exercise. “It can help reduce tension and elevate … Continued

Remote Work Challenges for HR | Illinois Employee Benefits Firm

It’s been said the ongoing COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak has created the largest remote work experiment ever devised.  In fact, there are many recently documented cases where companies have asked at least some of their employees to work from home.  Three of those companies are Amazon, Twitter and Microsoft.  Remote work, of course, is not something … Continued

Dental Health Benefits You Can’t Afford to Lose | Illinois Benefits Group

Did you know that a healthy mouth and good oral hygiene can actually reduce your likelihood of other serious diseases? Your mouth is more than just a gateway to enjoying delicious food. Your mouth is an indicator of your overall health. Let’s chew on the facts about dental health and what it can mean for … Continued

Employee Burnout in 2020 | Chicago Employee Benefits Consultants

For a long time, employee burnout has been dismissed.  In some instances, it’s been written off as employee laziness or simply an employee being contrary.  That, however, is no longer the case. In 2020, HR professionals are going to have to deal with it as a realized syndrome and one that is becoming more prevalent … Continued

March Madness 2020: The Ball is in Your Court | Illinois Benefits Team

March Madness is upon us, and there is no avoiding it. Selection Sunday, when the NCAA Division 1 Men’s Basketball Committee announces which 68 teams made the 2020 tournament, is March 15th. Games begin with the First Four on March 17th and 18th and culminate with the Final Four April 4th and the 2020 NCAA championship … Continued