What Employers Need to Know about the Senate Proposed Healthcare Bill | Chicago Benefit Advisors

On June 22, 2017, the United States Senate released a “Discussion Draft” of the “Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017” (BCRA), which would substitute the House’s House Resolution 1628, a reconciliation bill aimed at “repealing and replacing” the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The House bill was titled the “American Health Care Act … Continued

Self-Funding Dental: Leave No Stone Unturned | Chicago Benefit Advisors

With all of the focus that is put into managing and controlling health care costs today, it amazes me how many organizations still look past one of the most effective and least disruptive cost-saving strategies available to employers with 150 or more covered employees – self-funding your dental plan. There is a reason why dental … Continued

The “Line 22” Question: Which Box(es) Do I Check? | Chicago Benefit Advisors

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), individuals are required to have health insurance while applicable large employers (ALEs) are required to offer health benefits to their full-time employees. In order for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to verify that (1) individuals have the required minimum essential coverage, (2) individuals who request premium … Continued

Employers Seek Guidance to Strategically Manage Health Insurance Costs | Chicago Benefit Advisors

Data from the UBA Health Plan Survey provides employers of all sizes more detailed-and therefore more meaningful-benchmarks and trends than any other source.  Click here to view the highlights and key findings from the 2016 survey responses.

The IRS Clarifies Tax Treatment of Fixed-Indemnity Health Plans | Chicago Benefit Advisors

While many Americans will remember January 20, 2017 as the day the 45th President of the United States was sworn into office, employee benefits experts will also remember it as the day the IRS Office of Chief Counsel (OCC) released this memorandum that clarifies, among other things, the tax treatment of benefits paid by fixed-indemnity … Continued

Who Are You Benchmarking Your Health Plan Against? | Chicago Benefit Advisors

Many employers benchmark their health plan against carrier provided national data. While that is a good place to start, regional cost averages vary, making it essential to benchmark both nationally and regionally—as well as state by state. For example, a significant difference exists between the cost to insure an employee in the Northeast versus the … Continued

Difference Between Basic Insurance & Major Medical Insurance | Chicago Benefit Advisors

Choosing a health care plan often comes down to cost, but don’t forget to compare the monthly premium with the amount of coverage you get. Major medical insurance is designed to cover you during everything from routine check-ups to major catastrophic events. Basic health insurance, by contrast, is a cash reimbursement service that can help … Continued