2017 UBA Healthplan Survey | Chicago Benefit Advisors

It was recently unveiled the latest findings from our 2017 Health Plan Survey. With data on 20,099 health plans sponsored by 11,221 employers, the UBA survey is nearly three times larger than the next two of the nation’s largest health plan benchmarking surveys combined.To learn more, watch this short video below.  

Utilize FSA Monies with Key Year–End Strategies | Chicago Benefit Advisors

‘Tis the Season’. Like most, you ‘re probably in the midst of the “hussle and bussle” of this holiday season with dinners, parties, and activities; Christmas shopping; and spending those remaining FSA dollars you have allocated this year.   Wait, what? Yes, you read right. Chances are, if you’ve opted to utilize an employer-sponsored FSA … Continued

Congress Eliminates OSHA Continuous Reporting Obligation Rule | Chicago Benefit Advisors

What played out as a soap opera of sorts involving all three branches of government has resulted in relief for employers. On March 22, 2017, the Senate narrowly adopted House Joint Resolution 83 (H.J.Res.83) under the Congressional Review Act. The joint resolution nullifies a recent Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) final rule that went … Continued

The “Line 22” Question: Which Box(es) Do I Check? | Chicago Benefit Advisors

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), individuals are required to have health insurance while applicable large employers (ALEs) are required to offer health benefits to their full-time employees. In order for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to verify that (1) individuals have the required minimum essential coverage, (2) individuals who request premium … Continued

IRS Q&A About Employer Information Reporting on Form 1094-C and Form 1095-C | Chicago Benefit Advisors

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently updated its longstanding Questions and Answers about Information Reporting by Employers on Form 1094-C and Form 1095-C that provides information on: Basics of Employer Reporting Reporting Offers of Coverage and other Enrollment Information Reporting for Governmental Units Reporting Offers of COBRA Continuation Coverage and Post-Employment Coverage Reporting Coverage under … Continued

Keeping Pace with the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Act | Chicago Benefit Advisors

Last fall, President Barack Obama signed the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Act (PACE), which preserved the historical definition of small employer to mean an employer that employs 1 to 50 employees. Prior to this newly signed legislation, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was set to expand the definition of a small employer to include … Continued

Good Sense Guide to Minimum Essential Coverage Forms 1094-C and 1095-C | Chicago Benefit Advisors

If you are an Applicable Large Employer (ALE), you may still be catching your breath from 2015 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting. However, in a couple of weeks the process starts all over again as you prepare for the 2016 reporting cycle. As with all new requirements, the first filing cycle had … Continued

Department of Labor Form 5500’s Time-Intensive and Expensive Reporting Requirements Painful for Small Employers | Illinois Employee Benefits

Proposed regulations for revising and greatly expanding the Department of Labor (DOL) Form 5500 reporting are set to take effect in 2019. Currently, the non-retirement plan reporting is limited to those employers that have more than 100 employees enrolled on their benefit plans, or those in a self-funded trust. The filings must be completed on … Continued